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In Place Graceful Ageing with Dignity and Support

In Place Graceful Ageing with Dignity and Support

Home is everyone’s comfortable place. There is a sense of security and belonging associated with one’s nest. It is no different for your ageing parents and other elderly in the family. Most surveys also indicate that 90% of the seniors over 65 years of age prefer to live at home. There are many benefits of ageing in place.

Maintain Independence: When your elderly continues to live at home, they can live their life their way. Independence and care go a long way in making them enjoy their retirement years. They can have control over their routine, life decisions and activities. With age, they may experience physical mobility and memory issues, and require assistance from family or professional caregivers. However, they can continue living independently and with dignity.

Quality Life with Loved Ones: Ageing at home provides a familiar environment and gives a sense of belongingness to elderly. They can engage with other family members and have quality time. Besides, meeting friends and extended family is also easy, so, they don’t feel bound or isolated. It also plays a vital role in preventing the feeling of loneliness in the elderly.

Personalised Care: If your elderly are unable to manage daily chores or have health concerns, they benefit from the personal attention that you can give to them if you are around the house. You can personally supervise or take care of their meals, personal hygiene, doctor visits and medication routine while taking help from in-home care services and provide professional care at home, while you ensure their emotional well-being.

No Change, No Stress: After a certain age changing your style and place of living can get stressful. If you make your elderly shift out of their home, they may not feel comfortable. Adjusting to everyday life can get stressful and upsetting and it may require a lot of emotional support to get used to a new place. Often depression can set in and cause other related physical disabilities. It is ideal if you can ensure that they continue living in their home. You can gradually convince them to take assistance to maintain their independence and look at different personal care services available for the elderly. Choose help according to your older adult’s requirements and levels of assistance.

With some support, you can help your elderly live at home with grace and dignity. If you need some professional caregiver support, then reach out to Samvedna Care. We are here for your senior and their overall well-being. We are available for any emotional, health or psychological concern. At Samvedna, we provide customised services to every elderly. We know that every human being is different and deserves to live with respect. Our caregivers are also trained accordingly and will always assist and ensure your senior’s live with autonomy and independence. You can rely on us for health care, home management, personal care services and overall well-being. Know about us and our different programs and let’s make ageing in place happy and conducive for your elderly.

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