Get Professional Psychiatry Consultation at Samvedna Care - Feel Better, Live Better!

Are you feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with the stresses and anxieties of life? Do you feel you need help managing your mental health and well-being? If so, consider getting professional psychiatry consultation at Samvedna Care. Samvedna Care is dedicated to helping individuals and families find their path to feeling better and living better. With experienced and knowledgeable psychiatrists and psychologists, Samvedna Care is the perfect place to start your journey toward mental health and well-being. So, don't hesitate – to get professional psychiatry consultation at Samvedna Care and take the first step towards feeling better and living better!

Book a Consultation today

Mental Health Tips For Coping With Life’s Challenges

  • Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental needs by engaging in self-care. Eat well, work out frequently, get enough rest, and schedule leisure time activities.
  • Connect with people who are positive, supportive, and caring. This can help you feel less alone and provide a sense of belonging.
  • Find healthy ways to cope with stress and negative emotions, such as meditation, deep breathing, or journaling.
  • Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. This can help you maintain a positive outlook on life.
  • Establish reasonable objectives for yourself and acknowledge all accomplishments, no matter how minor.
  • Get expert assistance from a therapist or mental health professional if you are experiencing mental health problems.
  • Express your gratitude for the good things in your life by concentrating on them. This might assist in directing your attention away from unfavorable feelings and ideas.

Exploring the Types of Psychiatry Services Offered at Samvedna Care

Psychological assessments

Psychological evaluations are crucial to comprehending your past and the many difficulties you are now confronting. Assessments also aid in the identification of harmful or counterproductive behavioral patterns and the diagnosis of mental diseases.

Therapy sessions

A crucial component of the therapeutic strategy is the therapy sessions. The therapist will create a treatment plan and jointly decide on goals with you when the psychological exam is over.

Psychiatry consultations

When taking medicine is necessary to treat a mental condition, seeing a psychiatrist may be required. Your treatment plan will be evaluated and discussed with you by the psychiatrist. It's crucial to follow up frequently in order to assess your progress and adjust your prescription as necessary.

Experience the Highest Quality of Psychiatric Care with Samvedna Care!

Samvedna Care provides professional psychiatry consultation to help individuals feel better and live better. A skilled group of psychiatrists and psychologists who are dedicated to providing the best care are on staff at Samvedna Care. We aim to provide individualized solutions to assist people in handling their mental health challenges with their thorough evaluation tools and evidence-based therapies. To ensure that the patients get the most out of their treatment, we also offer individualized care programs. In conclusion, Samvedna Care is a terrific location to start feeling better and living better while receiving expert Psychiatry Consultation.

Take a Self Assessment

Today for more information about our services or to set up an appointment with one of our caregivers.


You may benefit from a psychiatry consultation if you are experiencing mental health symptoms that are impacting your daily life, such as feeling sad or anxious all the time, having trouble sleeping, struggling with addiction, or experiencing hallucinations or delusions. If you are unsure whether a psychiatry consultation is right for you, speak with your primary care doctor or mental health provider for guidance.

During a psychiatry consultation, the psychiatrist will ask you questions about your mental health history, medical history, and current symptoms. They may also conduct a physical exam and order lab tests or imaging studies if necessary. Based on this information, the psychiatrist will make recommendations for treatment or further evaluation.

A psychiatry consultation can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the complexity of your case and the amount of information that needs to be gathered.

A psychiatrist may recommend a variety of treatments, including medications, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, or a combination of these approaches. The specific treatment plan will depend on the individual's diagnosis, symptoms, and personal preferences.

To prepare for a psychiatry consultation, gather any relevant medical or mental health records, make a list of your current medications and supplements, and write down any questions or concerns you have about your mental health. It may also be helpful to think about your goals for treatment and what you hope to gain from the consultation.

Samvedna Care, G-7 Oriental Villas, Sushant Lok III, Sector 57, Gurgaon

Samvedna Care, C-13 Anand Niketan, New Delhi