Lifestyle Counselling - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety

TS, age 57 was on the verge of retirement when he approached Samvedna Care for counselling support to help with anxiety and overthinking. Although he had good coping skills, retirement was creating distress for him. Clinical Psychologist, Meenakshi Chopra, who specializes in age-related disorders conducted a psychological assessment post which he was recommended twelve sessions of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. His base line self-assessment on Samvedna MAPtool indicated that he was experiencing mental health concerns (Level 2). The therapy sessions addressed several key areas of his life right from childhood, career, relationship with family members and colleagues. His perspectives about life and future were discussed at length. It was observed that gradually TS acquired more control over his anxiety and irrational thoughts and showed better resilience as well. Post completion of the therapy sessions, his self-assessment on Samvedna MAPindicated that he had reduced mental health concerns (Level 1) and better prepared for his retirement and life transitions. TS is now actively following his Self-Care plan recommended by the Samvedna therapist.

At Samvedna Care, our team of experienced clinical psychologists is committed to empowering all clients to lead happier and healthier lives. We can help you with stress management, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, lifestyle changes, long-term illness, caregiving stress, age-related disorders, and other concerns. Get started with your mental wellbeing self-assessment at

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Samvedna Care, G-7 Oriental Villas, Sushant Lok III, Sector 57, Gurgaon

Samvedna Care, C-13 Anand Niketan, New Delhi